Periurethral, perineal or vaginal masses are masses or swelling around the urethral meatus, vaginal area or the perineal region. The incidence is less than 4%. The main presentation is feeling a swelling or mass around the meatus, vagina & vulva, difficulty in passing urine, urethral discharge and pain on sexual intercouse. There is limited information / literature on the exact incidence, diagnosis and management for this conditions.
The differential diagnosis of suchs massess include;
- Urethral Diverticulum ( 84%)
- Peri-urethral leiomyoma (7%)
- Periurethal vagianl cyst/ Gartner's cyst (6%) or remnant of mullerian duct cyst
- Skene's gland cyst or abcess
- Retention cyst
- Urethral Prolapse
- Urethral Caruncle
- Ectopic Ureterocele
- Inguinal/Femoral Hernia
- Benign tumours- angiomyoblastoma, fibromas, warts
- Malignancies
The diagnosis is usually clinical, and some case we may need to do some imaging studies to see the nature & extent of the lesions. The suggested imaging studies include perineal Ultrasound, Ct Scan/ MRI, Urethroscopy/cystoscopy, micturating cystogram and double balloon urethrogram.
The management options will depends on the diagnosis. If small & asymptomatic, usually can be managed as conservatively. Aspiration of the cyst content can be done , but usually the cyst reoccurs. The suggested surgery include endoscopic re-roofing, trans-urethral incision, Marsupialization of the diverticulum or cyst, cystectomy of the cyst wall in cases of gartner's or skene gland cyst. Diverticulectomy in case of urethral diverticulum with grafting in some case. In some case excision of the lesions
Below are some of my personal collection of cases & how l managed them:
Case 1. 36 year old Para 2 with urinary incontinence & passing pus discharge urethral meatus. on examination noted tender, fluctuant mass, below urethral meatus. On pressing/milking the mass, pus & urine discharge noted coming from the urethral meatus. The diagnosis of Urethral Diverticulum was made. Marsupialization was carried out. This will create a small suburethral fistula and allow the secretion to escape & thus facilitates the closure & healing of the fistula tract that communicates into the urethra. Based on my experience, this is very effective & simple operation.
suburethral abscess
Case 2. 32 year old patient presented with periurethral mass for 3 months. Initially the mass was small 3x 2 cm. Over few mass it become 8x8 cm. It was infected & rubbery in nature. Patient also had difficulty in passing urine. EUA & excision of the mass was carried out. The histology was consistent with para-urethral angiomyofibroblastoma. This case was published in Australia & New Zealand Continence Journal Vol 10, No 1, March 2004. The patient recovered very will with no recurrence. This condition is Benign tumour.
Case 3. 29 year old Para1, noted cystic swelling around urethral meatus after delivery. On examination there was a cystic, transparent mass around 6 o clock below the urethral meatus. It was non tender mass. Mobile & cystic in nature. The options for such cases are neddle aspiration (but the recurrence rates are high), cystectomy, & marsupialization. In this case complete cystectomy was done. paraurethral or vaginal cyst develop as result of local irritation, inflammation or sequential blockage of vaginal or paraurethral glands. If infected the develop into abscess.
Case 4. 56 year old para 5 lady, presented with progressively enlarging mass on the left side of vagina. On examination the was 18 x 12 cm cystic mass noted. The mass was multiloculated & cystic. CT Scan showed cystic mass with no intra pelvic extension. A dignosis of vagianl cyst/ Gartner's cyst or remnant of mullerian duct cyst was made. EUA and drainage was carried out. Serous like material removed and complete cystectomy and labioplasty was carried out. Vaginal wall cyst/ Gartner/ Mullerian remnant cyst occurs in 0.5-1% of patients. Mostly asymptomatic & unreported. An evaluation should include upper genito-urinary tract assessment to rule out any extension of the mass/cyst and other genito-urinary tract abnormalities. US/CT scan/MRI is the imaging modality of choice. If the is no concomitant abnormality of extension, than a cystectomy or marsupialization is surfice.
Case 5. 44 year old para 5 presented with recurrent left side tender vaginal mass. The mass typically present during pregnancy & subside after delivery. After the last childbirth, the mass persisted and become very tender & painful. Transabdominal ultrasound revealed a longitudinal mass from left vaginal
wall extending to pouch of douglas. The mass was mixed in echogenicity. CT scan of abdomen reported as cystic mass anterior to the sacrum extending
to lower part of vagina with possible differential diagnosis as (rectal
duplication cyst or cystic sacrococcygeal teratoma or ischiorectal cystic
lesion/abscess.). A diagnostic laparoscopy was carried out, which revealed left ischiorectal
fossa abscess Therefore, 300cc of pus
and caseous material drained through vagina. Pus culture and sensitivity grew
B-hemolytic non A/B steptococcus. Otherwise, swab AFB, all other infective screening
were negative. The fasting blood sugar was 4.8mmol/l. Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy was essentially
normal. This time a large marsupialization was done & the abscess was drained. Since than the mass/abscess did recurred. She remain asymptomatic until now.
Case 6. 68 year old patient postmenapausal for 20 year, presented with painful micturition and vaginal soreness. On assessment, there was a growth at the external urethral meatus. The common diagnosis for such conditions are Caruncle or urethral prolapse. In this case this patient had a urethral prolapse. Treatment for caruncle or prolapse is usually topical estrogen application. In some case caruncle/prolapse can be infected. in such cases antibiotics may be indicated. Surgical options includes cauterization for the caruncle or prolapse. In some cases of prolapse, circumferential excision of the prolapse and approximation of the urethro-vagina margins can be carried out.
On Examination, noted friable mass periurethrally. Biosy was consistent with sq cell ca stage 4. Patient was referred for radiotherapy. Malignancy at peri- urethral region is very rare. Prognosis is usually poor.
Case 8. This is a 15 year old girl, presented with continuous urine leakage from young. No proper previous evaluation. On examination, there was continuous leakage & wetness at periurethral region. CTU was carried out, revealed an ectopic ureter from right kidney extending to the periurethral region. Patient was referred to our paediatric surgeon, who subsequently ligated the ectopic ureter. Patient was symptom free after this procedure.
Case 9. A 6 year old child presented with difficulty in pass urine & para peri-urethrally. The mass was firm in consistency & non tender. It was reducible. An inguinal hernia was suspected. This patient referred to paediatric surgeons. The finding confirm reducible inguinal hernia with omentum
All the photos were taken and displayed with patients permission.
Like to thank the owners of the drawings/ pictures as these photos were taken taken from google images. They were displayed here purely for teaching purpose only.
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